söndag 28 september 2014

Opening night!

And it's done! Yesterday was the opening night of Little Shop of Horrors at Kristianstad teater and I'm so pleased with how it went :D And that I get the chance to do it 30 times more is just insane and incredibly amazing!

(we also did a flashmob yesterday to promote the show)

The article in Kristianstadbladet is also available now:

fredag 26 september 2014

More from LSOH

Now it's only one day till the opening night of Little Shop of Horrors :D Yesterday we had a first rehearsal with an audience and it was and is a blast! 

Here's an article in Kvällsposten and a little clip on Nöjessvepet in Sydnytt:



söndag 21 september 2014

Last week of rehearsals and promo-video

Last week! This week is the last before the opening night of Little Shop of Horrors so yesterday and today we did a runthrough with the band. Now it's kind of really the final touches :D 

Here's a promo-video:

fredag 5 september 2014

Marketing and stand in

Yesterday we had a marketing event with some preview songs from Little Shop of Horrors and I got to be stand in for one of the trio-girls. It was sooo much fun, and everything with Little Shop is fantastic and I feel so blessed to be part of this :)<3 This fall is going to be truly awesome and very soon we also will begin with the real stuff for A Christmas Carol :D

Here's a pic from yesterday's gig: