torsdag 20 mars 2014

Internship so far!

It's not that much time left for my last internship at Elinebergsskolan were I do the set design for "Hairspray". Here are some pictures of how the set looks like right now :)

SketchUp model of the whole thing

Tomorrow I'm going to visit Ljus och Dekor in Halmstad again and in the evening it's time for PipeDreams Open Mic Night in Lund :) 

torsdag 13 mars 2014

Singing my lungs out!

Two weeks ago I tried my wings. First I did an audition for a local choir competition and the day after I did an audition for a musical in Kristianstad and well I FRECKIN MADE IT!!! I came in the choir and it's going to sound amazing :) And the most amazing thing, I am in the ensemble for Little Shop of Horrors this autumn in Kristianstad theatre!!! 

More info about the musical here: