lördag 30 mars 2013

Musical 2

The musical went so well yesterday and it was so much fun! The whole week went so quickly but it's always a pleasure to meet new and old friends that share the same passion for musical theatre as I do :) Now, I can't wait for the next academy that PipeDream will do :D 
Showtime :D

torsdag 28 mars 2013


Tomorrow it's time to go on the big stage and do a showing with the musical that I'm in and have been practicing with now for just 6 days :) The musical is "Hairspray" and it's a short version of it that we will be doing on Lunds Stadsteater in front of friends and families. This was a 6 days workshop with the amazing Pipedream production.  

tisdag 19 mars 2013

Packing and leaving

I have now packed my things and prepared to leave Skellefteå for some months beacause tomorrow I will be heading back to Skåne, partly to celebrate easter and my birthday but also that I will attend Pipedream Productions spring academy which means that I will be doing some on stage work, the musical Hairspray to be more specific. During 6 days we will work with the songs, dance and act numbers from the musical to finally on March the 29th have a viewing on Lunds stadsteater and perform what we have trained for during the week. Then it is finally time for my 2 months long internship at Ljus och Dekor in Halmstad :D It's going to be so much fun :)

måndag 18 mars 2013

Exhibition and MY MOVIE

Today, we set up an exhibition at the local library of Skellefteå with things that we in year 1 in Set Design and Prop making have done last fall and especially this winter. With that said, here are some pictures from the exhibition AND I can now also give you the link to MY SHORT MOVIE! :D

My wall

MY SHORT MOVIE! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7E1A-rPy88&list=HL1363641504&feature=mh_lolz

tisdag 12 mars 2013


I will now try to write in english because the statistics for this blog says that I have foreign readers :D 

My short movie is soon done, I just have to grade it a little more. Until then I will post some posters that I made just for fun for it. 

tisdag 5 mars 2013

Inspelningen är över!

Ja, alltså inspelningen är gjord (igår egentligen men hann inte skriva ngt här då om det)! Allting gick så smidigt och bra att jag knappt trodde det var sant :) Fotografen hade med sig två praktikanter varav den ena satt och test-klippte ihop materialet allt eftersom det filmades så jag kunde se ett resultat relativt fort och kanske komma på fler vinklar eller annat att addera till filmen. Nu väntar jag bara på att få materialet så jag kan börja klippa ihop filmen själv :)

Här kommer lite bilder från inspelningen: 


söndag 3 mars 2013

Riggning, panik och stress

Har spenderat helgen med att rigga och dressa min location för inspelningen av den kortfilm som jag jobbat med sen i mitten på januari äntligen händer imorgon! Det ska bli sååå skönt att bli av med detta projekt snart och jag ser fram emot utmaningen med att klippa ihop allt och se om jag kan få till det som jag tänkt mig.